Saturday, August 29, 2009

Patriots Conclude Summer Camp

If you just looked at the below photos without explanation, you might ask yourself: "Is this tent city?" or "Is this Woodstock?" The answer to both of these questions would be "not really," although loud music was heard being played last night throughout the countryside.

Instead these pictures were taken during the Christ Prep Campout which was held Friday night and Saturday morning at the Finley property near Garden City, Mo. The campout has become an annual ritual for the Patriot football team as it concludes its summer camp and heads into its game season.

After Friday's practice at Red Bridge the Patriots headed for the campout where 24 pounds of pork and brisket were eaten in slightly under 87 seconds. The guys enjoyed a great evening of fellowship before "lights out" at shortly before 11 p.m.

The team awoke early and held an excellent practice beginning at 7:00 a.m. Practice concluded with a cross-country "Patriot Run" which was almost literally taken "over the river and through the woods." After practice the team ate biscuits and gravy served by several CPA cheerleaders. The campout was capped off by several skits from players and coaches. Note to future players who don't want to be the butt of jokes by the coaches...don't have a unique haircut and don't pull a groin!

Stay tuned for more photos, narrative, and if technology cooperates--video!

Grace and Peace!
Patriot Football 2009

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