Thursday, November 12, 2009

Patriots Visit the Bluff, Remember Fury Company

In preparation for their 8:00 p.m. (Eastern) game tonight against Bradenton Prep, the Christ Prep Patriots spent some time today on "The Bluff" at the top of Mt. Dayton on the grounds of Fort Bluff Camp.  The Bluff is a well known spot to all current and former Patriot players, and the team's annual visit there is the spiritual and overall highlight of this annual trek to Tennessee.  The view from the Bluff is breathtaking, as it overlooks the Tennessee River Valley some 1,100 feet below.

The team spent over an hour today at this scenic overlook.  A special message was delivered by the Rev. Jim McNally, a close friend of Coach Dick Burton. Rev. McNally challenged the young men spiritually then challenged them to perform their best tonight on the field. One significant quote was "When you think the opponent might be too big to hit, consider them too big to miss!"  This devotional time included a discussion of the body and blood of Jesus Christ and culminated in the partaking of communion.

A significant part of the afternoon was devoted to the men of Fury Company. The Patriots will be playing tonight for Fury Company, part of the US Army's 4th Infantry Division currently serving our country in Afghanistan.  Coach Burton read a letter sent by his son, Lt. Tim Burton, who sent one of Fury Company's flag which accompanied Lt. Burton during many of his missions against the Taliban in dangerous Afghan territory.

Coach Burton also read the following excerpt from a book called The Furious Longing of God by Brennan Manning:

The noun fury is commonly associated with extreme anger. However, when the Oxford Dictionary of Current English discusses "the fury of a gathering storm," the meaning morphs into intense energy.

When one of England's finest writers, G. K. Chesterton, spoke of "the furious love of God," he was referencing the enormous vitality and strength of the God of Jesus seeking union with us.

Another ragamuffin, Rich Mullins, sought to describe the same longing of God: "In the reckless raging fury that they call the love of God."

Please view some of the photos of today's moving pre-game ceremony.

And remember, you can follow tonight's game, set to start at approximately 8:00 p.m. Eastern, by following this link:

Please remember to pray for the safety of the Christ Prep Patriots and the soldiers protecting your freedoms with Fury Company.

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